Saturday, July 7, 2007

Haematology laboratory

Second week of SIP

Hello everyone… I was posted to haematology department for the whole of 20 weeks. This week I was scheduled to thalassaemia lab and will be there for the next two weeks. Well, I had learnt quite a lot at the lab dealing with the blood samples that were sent in for Hb electrophoresis. Firstly, I will collect patient’s blood samples at the reception sent to them by telelift, transporter or pneumatic tubes. After which, I will do labeling on the samples and check that the patient’s data tally with the request form. Next, key the specimen no. into LIS.

Test performed: Cellulose acetate alkaline electrophoresis

Type of specimen: a minimum of 3.0ml of EDTA blood
EDTA preferred but heparin is acceptable.
Reject clotted blood and lyse specimen except for clotted cord blood (very difficult to get the blood)

Purpose: it is used as the initial procedure to screen for hemoglobin variants. The technique is sensitive to blood samples throughout the human life span (from newborns, cord blood, to old age)

Principle: Hb has a net negative charge at pH8.6 and move in an electrical filed towards the anode (positive) due to the variation in the amino acid content off different Hb, the net charge of each Hb types varies and this will determine their rate of mobility. Various supporting media such potato starch, paper and polyacrylamide gel have been used in electrophoresis. Cellulose acetate is used because it is easily available and provides a sharp resolution of the Hb bands in a short time; allow cleaning, densitometric quantitiation and permanent storage of the transparent film.


1) Pipette 200microlitires of blood to tubes and wash 2x
2) Pipette 25microlitres of washed packed red cells into the tube.
3) Add 150microlitres of hemolystate reagent and allow standing for 20 minutes.
4) Label the plate with specimen no. using water proof marker and place in carrying rack. ( the other side of the plate is the cellulose acetate)
5) Slowly, lower the rack into heme buffer and soak for 5 minutes. ( it must be done slowly to prevent any air bubbles)
6) Pipette 10microlitres of the patient’s blood and hemolystate into each sample well. Control is pipette into the first well. Control used is ESFA. E and S are abnormal variants. F and A represent fetal and adult respectively.
7) Prime the applicator by depressing gently into samples well 1 to 2 times and blot on a piece of filter paper.
8) Remove the wetted cellulose acetate and blot dry
9) Place the plate in the aligning base with cellulose acetate side up
10) Transfer the applicator to the aligning base
11) Apply samples to plate (on the cellulose acetate) by the contacting the tips (“teeth”) of the applicator to the plate and hold for 5 seconds.
12) Place the plate in electrophoresis chamber with cellulose acetate side down
13) Electrophoresis the plate for 25 minutes at 350volts

Staining of bands

1) The plate is stained in ponceau S stain for 5 minutes
2) Destain in 3 successive washes of 5% acetic acid (2 minutes for each wash)

Evaluation of bands

For qualitative evaluation, the haemoglobin is inspected visually for the presence of abnormal haeomglobin bands. EFSA control provides a marker for band identification

For quantative evaluation, the relative percentage of each haemoglobin band is determined by scanning the plate in the densitometer using 525nm filter.

Record results

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Test performed: sickling test

Purpose: used to demo the sickling phenomenon in test samples and a confirmatory test following alkaline cellulose acetate electrophoresis


1) 25microlitres of reagent is added to 5microlitres of EDTA blood used the pipette tip to mix to a coin shaped
2) cover with cover glass and left dry
3) seal with grease and incubate at 37degrees for about 2 hours
4) examine microscopically
5) record results

Quality control: include a negative and positive control to check that reagents are okay.

That’s all… have fun for SIP yea :)

kai lin




J.A.M.M.Y.S said...


Erm.. What is supporting media and how do potato starch and paper are used in electrophoresis? And what do you mean by seal with grease?

Ming Boon

ALsubs said...

Hello!I have 1 question...For qualitative evaluation rite, how do the abnormal haemoglobin bands look like? Can briefly describe?

Shu Hui

BloodBank.MedMic.Haematology said...
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BloodBank.MedMic.Haematology said...

heyheys! :D

why do clotted cord blood isnt rejected?

how're the results read to confirm the diagnosis? what do the results say?

is this method used to diagnose only thalassaemia?

is there any quality control for the Electrophoresis to ensure the accuracy of results?

what reagent is added to the blood for sickling test and what is it for?


VASTYJ said...

Hey Kailin ~! Erm .. Can you just explain to me what is a hemolystate reagent ? Thx thx !
vaLerie =)

ALsubs said...
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ALsubs said...

hihi there

just some questions to ask.

why is ESFA used as a control if it is considered abnormal varients? Why not used a normal control?

Dorene Chen

BloodBank.MedMic.Haematology said...

hello,can ask u some questions ?

what is ponceau S stain..? what it contains..? how does it work..?

Wing Fat

royal physicians said...

Hello! =)

As mentioned, EDTA is preferred as compared to Heparin. Is there any reason y?

Also, the same qn as WingFat: ponceau S stain?? =))


Chen Kangting

royal physicians said...

Hey Kai Lin

Was wondering what is the sickling test for. Is it to determine the purity of reagents or what? And what is the confirmatory test? Also, you mentioned that the particular test done is Cellulose acetate alkaline electrophoresis right? Are there any other tests that can be used?

Johanna, TG02

first6weeks said...

HiHi! =)
wad do u mean by haemoglobin variants and wad is a densitometric quantitation and the purpose of doin that?
the purpose of adding heme buffer?
June, TG02

first6weeks said...

Hello Kai Lin,

How many different types of haemoglobin variants can be verified in the lab? What will happen if unknown bands appear?

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.

- Alex Tg02

royal physicians said...
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royal physicians said...

heya kai lin..i post a comment but i dunnoe..perhaps it got lost sumwhere...aniwei ur lab sounds fun...btw i got a few qn to ask u
-u mention that u have to lower the rack into the heme buffer slowly to prevent air bubbles. if there are presence of air bubbles, is there any actions taken??what will u guys do??
-then is the control ESFA fixed/used as a combination??or if u receive adult sample then u only use ESA since A is for adult and F is for fetal??

i'm sorry if my qn is ridiculous...aniwei njoy ur SIP...all da best:)

nur zahirah tg02

BloodBank.MedMic.Haematology said...


Can i ask is there any other confirmatory test other than sickling test? Why will this technique be sensitive to blood samples throughout human life? Thanks :)

Ci Liang TG01

we are the XiaoBianTai-7! said...

I would like to ask for the differences in using potato starch, paper, cellulose acetate and polyacrylamide gel used in electrophoresis.


Charmaine Tan~ TG01

J.A.M.M.Y.S said...

I would like to know what's the meaning of densitometric quantitation? Thanks ya!


first6weeks said...

hey mingboon

Supporting media refers to the media that the samples of the material to be analyzed or purified are applied to.

Sealing with grease means the four side of the cover slip are sealed with grease to prevent oxygen from getting in.

hey dorothy

clotted cord blood isn't rejected becasue it is diffcult to get therfore any amount to us is very precious

the results are read by comparing the bands with the conrtol ESFA

any abnormal bands detected will be confirmed by acid gel haemoglobin electrophoresis

yes, there is quality control for electrophoresis
1)known haemoglobin A,F,S and E controls run on the first well of each plate
2)preparation and handling of control material
a)collect EDTA blood. blood stored at 2-8 degrees and should not exceed more than 10 days.
b)centriguge the bllood sample at 1500 to 2000 rpm
remove plasma and washed packed cells 2 or more times with 0.85 Nacl solution

the reagent used is 0.2g sodium metabisulphite dissolved in 10ml of grade 1 water
it is a reducing agent which will reduce oxygen tension, to see whether red cells will turn sickle in shape. for normal patient's samples, under such condition it will not turn sickle.

hey valerie

haemolysate reagent is used to lyse red cells

hey dorene

EFSA control contain normal and abnormal variants. E and S are abnormal variants. A and F are normal variants which stand for adult and fetal respectively.

hey wingfat

Ponceau S is used for rapid detection of protein bands on cellulose acetate membranes.
it contains 5.0 ponceau stains,35.0g trichloracetic acid and 35.0g sulfosglicylic acid in 1000ml of grade reagent type 1 water.stable for six months at room temp

hey johanna

the purpose of sickling test is look out for sickle cell shaped red blood cell.
it is done when cellulose acetate electrophoresis detect abnormal bands in the S region. it is a confirmatory test following cellulose acetate electrophoresis.

paper or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis can also be performed however cellulose acetate comes into general usage because it is easily available and provides sharp resolution of Hb bands in a short time and permits cleaning.

hey june

Hemoglobin variants are mutant forms of hemoglobin in a humans caused by variations in genetics. Some well-known hemoglobin variants such as sickle-cell anemia are responsible for diseases, and are considered hemoglobinopathies.

densitometric quantitation is used to determine the relative percentages of each haemoglobin bands.

hey zahirah

if there are bubbles present, we have to redo.
ESFA is used as a combination.

hey ciliang

if cellulose acetate electo detect any abnormal variants, acid electro will be done as a confimatory test.
sickling test is done when cellulose acetate electro detect abnormal bands in the S region.

this technique is sensitive because using cellulose acetate electro is a rapid and sensitive method sutitable for small molecules like amino acids(present of amino acids in Hb)

hey charmanine

Paper Electrophoresis:

a strip of paper which is kept moist with buffer to make it electrically conductive; ends are dipped into buffer solutions containing electrodes across which an electric potential is applied

Starch Gel -- used swollen potato starch granules

Polyacrylamide Gels -- commonly used gel due to its stability and can be made at a wide variety of concentrations

first6weeks said...

hey michelle

densitometric quantitation is used to determine the relative percentages of each haemoglobin bands.

first6weeks said...

hey shu hui

abnormal bands refer to band seen in region E AND S. control serves as a marker.normal bands are seen in A region for adult and bands seen in F region for fetal.

hey kangting

EDTA is more common and conserve.
when using heparinzed blood, platelets counts will aggregate after some time

hey alex

there are several hundreds of Hb variants
perform acid gel electrophoresis when unknown bands are detected.

first6weeks said...

hey shu hui

abnormal bands refer to band seen in region E AND S. control serves as a marker.normal bands are seen in A region for adult and bands seen in F region for fetal.

hey kangting

EDTA is more common and conserve.
when using heparinzed blood, platelets counts will aggregate after some time

hey alex

there are several hundreds of Hb variants
perform acid gel electrophoresis when unknown bands are detected.

ALsubs said...

Test performed: Cellulose acetate alkaline electrophoresis

Hi Ki Lin

As stated in your blog that the Purposeod this test is to screen for hemoglobin variants. With these variants, what can we conclude? and can you give me few examples of such variants?

Hope your doing great !


J.A.M.M.Y.S said...


Just wanna check that though heparin is acceptable, does it affect the analysis or results when compared to using EDTA?

Thanks alot! see ya!


we are the XiaoBianTai-7! said...


You mentioned that various supporting media such as potato starch, paper and polyacrylamide gel can be used. So when and what are the factors you consider to decide which supporting media to use?


Adrian TG01

The Lab Freaks said...

hey kai lin...
u said that Ponceau S is used for rapid detection of protein bands on cellulose acetate membranes... so how does the protein bands look like after staining? and how does that Ponceau S stains the protein bands?(like how does the stain attach to the protein bands)

~jeremy~ TG01

first6weeks said...

ehh..i posted the reply but it got lost. anyway, here's the ans..


presence of S variant could means sickle cell trait
presence of E variant could mean Hb E trait. it is common in this region.


using heparinised blood cause the platelets count to aggregate after sometime.


eh.. i not sure about this. sorry about. i will get back to you if i know the answer.


i posted a image on cellulose acetate bands. it is similar to what i got in the lab the only difference is the control used. anyway, hope it helps. as for the other qns, i not sure about it.

first6weeks said...

hihi, what is the confirmatory test to confirm sickling phenomen as u mention about it?
