Friday, August 24, 2007

To dorothy

Flow cytometry is a technology that stimulataneously measures and then analyses multiple physical characteristics of single particles, usually cells as they flow in a fluid stream through a beam of light. The properties include the particle's size, granularity and fluorescence intensity. samples are incubated with monoclonal antibodies conjugated with flurochrome which are excited by laser.Physical properties are measured as the flurochrome tagged cells pass through the laser light.

reference range of CD4 : 28.2-50.7%
reference range of CD8: 12.5-38.5

To kangting

here's the ans

reference range if CD4 : 28.2-50.7
reference range of CD8:12.5-38.5

To phuiyuen

This test can be performed after renal transplant to see whether is there any sign of rejection by the recipient. CD4 level should be dropping and CD8 level on the rise.

To zahirah

CD4 T-cells are a type of lymphocyte (which is one type of white blood cell). They initiate the immune system’s response to viruses such as HIV. CD4 cells can be infected and killed by HIV, so the CD4 count generally declines. CD8 T-cells, on the other hand, are the immune system’s killers of abnormal or infected body cells. As HIV infection worsens, the number of CD8 cells present in the body tends to increase.

Flurochorme labeled antibodies are used such as FITC and PE.

To jiahao

Ya. it is also possible for leukaemia.

Take b-cell type Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia as an example, the cell markers are CD5, CD20,CD52,CD23,CD19 and CD37.

To Michelle

In this case, i am talking about CD4 and CD8, these two surface markers. CD4 is for T- helper cells and CD8 for T-supressor cells which both have their respectively specific functions which i mentioned in my post. As for the subgroups, CD4 and CD8 are actually subgroups of mature T lymphocytes and the surface marker for it is CD3. CD4 and CD8 are subsets of CD3.

To Yvonne

well, this test is not a confirmatory test for HIV. other tests are needed to carry out to confirm the diagnosis.

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